If a client does not see an option to view their statement after successfully logging on to their online account, it can mean one of two things:

1) Their account authorizations have not been properly configured. There are three ways to configure authorizations:

  • Individually: You can edit individual profiles through your RP Management > Owner/Tenant list. Locate the client on your list and click the edit icon next to their profile. Mark the authorizations you wish to enable; only those with checkmarks will be allowed. A client must have the online access authorization enabled to successfully establish and access an online account. The authorizations you do *not* check will not be available for the client when they access their online account.
  • As a group: You can edit the authorizations for all of your clients at once through the RP Management > System Functions > Database Utilities screen. Click on the Change Auth icon, then select the authorizations you wish to enable; only those with checkmarks will be allowed. Change Auth updates all of your online profiles at once, but it does not affect the profiles you upload after the change is made. In order to access Database Utilities, you must be logged on to the HERO PM Control Panel with the Master Administrator logon (PMID as username and associated password).
  • Defaults: You can configure default profile authorizations through the Configuration > RP Preferences  > Default Profile Authorizations screen in your Control Panel. These authorizations will be applied to profiles when you upload them. Select a profile group, then mark the authorizations you wish to enable; those with checkmarks will be allowed. You can also change all current client authorizations by checking the “Change all existing accounts” box. This will apply the new authorizations to all existing clients.

2. There has never been an active statement uploaded for this client. View the client’s uploaded statements and documents in RP Management > Documents > Document Lookup. If the client does not have any published or uploaded statements or documents, then they will not yet have the Statement (or Document) tab in their online portal.