Many property managers talk about “managing doors”. And what do doors have? Hinges, yes. But more importantly, keys.

There are so many keys and access devices to manage. One for every home, at least. Plus the lockboxes, padlocks, garage doors, deadbolts…it goes on and on. And so many types: the old standard piece of metal that goes on a key ring (and doubles as a box opener), plus key cards, fobs, electronic devices, combinations, dynamic codes, and (in Harmony, anyway) 11 other types. All of these can be easily managed in Harmony.

You’ll start by registering keys to a unit or property. Each registration allows you to specify the type of key, the key code, reference, description, location it opens, and where it goes when it’s not out (in the case of a physical key). For virtual keys like dynamic key codes and programmable temporary-use keys, you can specify the activation and expiration date.

When a key leaves your office, simply check it out to a person with an expected return date. If it’s not returned on time, you’ll get an alert. If you’re checking it out in conjunction with a work order, Harmony tells you where to grab available keys from, then, when the work order’s done, Harmony will remind you to collect the key and tell you where to return it in your key cabinet.

You can easily see each key that’s out, who has it and why, and see the history of where all keys were at any time in the history of the key/unit. That way, when Junior’s teddy bear goes missing on June 11th and the tenant insists a vendor entered through the locked door, you can see if the vendor had a key you provided. Sadly, Harmony has no solution for delusion, only for reality.

It’s one more potential headache to cross off your list. And headache-free is the way we want all Harmony users to live!

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