When someone is asking for work to be done, they’ll normally submit a work request. From this request, you’ll create a work order that assigns a vendor, sets and tracks the stage of work, and sets the cost limit according to the management agreement. (You can always set a workorder as Client Approval Pending, which allows your owner to review and approve a workorder that’s over the limit, but that’s a different topic.)

When you have a work request, you can create as many workorders as are required to fulfill the request. Once they’re all done, you’ll be prompted to resolve the request, where you can easily send a system message to the requester to notify them all work has been done.

Sometimes you’ll find yourself skipping right past the request and starting with a work order. In this case, the person you select to add the workorder for becomes the requester. If the tenant is requesting a repair, start from the tenant. If it’s the owner or the company, start there. The workorder will always show where you started from, so you know who asked for the work and can go back to them when you have new information, or need additional input.

In the workorder, you can set Requester Notification instructions for notifications expected of the vendor. This is free-form, allowing you to say something like, “Text the tenant when you arrive on-site and when you leave,” or, “Call the tenant at work to get buzzed in”. These instructions appear alongside the requester’s contact information in the workorder.

Maintenance in Harmony is simple and powerful. In fact, some managers use Harmony just for its impressive maintenance features. If you have ideas for how we can make your maintenance smoother, please drop us a line.

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